Fall flavors, what does that mean on an island that knows no season and on which pumpkins grow year-round? Technically not much. But at the same time, everything.
Fall is an open invitation to revisit local favorites. This year, I am jumping on the pumpkin bandwagon, and inviting you to revisit our local giraumon. The pumpkin recipes below are sure to brighten your Holiday tables both in flavors and in colors. They’re a part of the culinary adventures I have undertaken this past year in the Tchakayiti kitchen.
I hope you will enjoy them! Now, remember, these pumpkin recipes are even better when you adjust them to your own taste. Let me know below if you make or plan on making any tweaks.
Oven roasted fall vegetables
This vegetable tray features pumpkin, turnips and potatoes that I roasted along with garlic cloves, shallots and fresh thyme. It was quite the Fall treat. I enjoyed it the next day with some couscous. I bet it would be great with some juicy meat, and will definitely prepare it that way soon.
Cheesy Savory GiraumonPie
This savory pumpkin pie right there has thought me to welcome pumpkin on my plate. It is both creamy and cheesy. You can find my recipe here.
Giraumon Tête de Maure Cheese Spread:
What better way to turn our favorite local cheese spread into a seasonal treat than by adding some pumpkin to the mix? I cooked some pumpkin, mashed it up and added it to the base Tête de Maure cheese spread recipe I shared with you last year. I used it as a filling for my homemade choux pastries, another local favorite, which story I will share with you soon.
Giraumon Gnocchi
I have a thing for gnocchi. And I have always wanted to prepare them from scratch. This year, I borrowed this Pumpkin Gnocchi base recipe and prepared my own. I toasted my gnocchi in some butter and garlic and topped it with chopped gros thym. I drizzled it with some buttery wine sauce.
Pitimi millet giraumon risotto:
Our giraumon is linked to many firsts for me. It also helped me acquire a taste for our pitimi with which I had a hate relationship for the longest. You can read all about it and grab one of my favorite pumpkin recipes for a Pitimi Pumpkin Risotto here.
Cheesy giraumon puree:
Think mashed potato…but with pumpkin. That is exactly how I approached this pumpkin puree. I boiled the vegetable, mashed it, overloaded it with cheese and seasoned it to taste. There is are two key ingredients that bring it to the next level: shallots and green onions.
This concludes my list for 2019. It will, hopefully, grow with the years. Should you have any suggestion, I would love to read them in the comments below.